
Everyone loves a good deal! Here’s where you will find our current discounts and promo code details.
  • Promo codes may be entered at checkout.
  • Enter the code in the box that says "Discount code" and hit apply.
  • Once you have applied a valid promo code, you will see a message confirming and the amount saved.
  • If your code is expired/invalid, or the items in your cart are ineligible, you will see a message asking for a valid code to be entered. 

    ❄️🌨️Winter Sale❄️🌨️

    The On The Way Outdoor Winter Sale is here! Spend $50 and receive 10% off when you use code Winter10 at checkout. This promo can be used now until February 1st at 11:59pm EST. This deal cannot be combined with other offers or promotions. Free and fast shipping on all orders included.

    Subscribe To On The Way Outdoor & Get 10% Off

    Instantly receive a code for 10% off your purchase when you sign up for our e-mails! You’ll also get exclusive coupon codes.

      On The Way Outdoor Rewards Program

      • Earn more points for different actions, and turn those points into awesome rewards!
      • Every 100 points you earn equals $1 off. You must redeem your points to apply the discount.

      Promo Code Exclusions

      One code per order. Cannot be applied to previous orders. All offers subject to change.